Covid 19 Specialist

South Texas Family Medicine and Urgent Care Center
Family Medicine & Primary Care Practices located in San Antonio, TX
If you develop a sore throat, experience a dry cough, or lose your sense of taste or smell, it may indicate COVID-19. At South Texas Family Medicine and Urgent Care Center, the team of family medicine providers offer COVID-19 vaccines and rapid testing. To make an appointment at the practice in San Antonio, Texas, call the office or click the online scheduling feature today.
Covid 19 Q & A
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus, is a contagious upper respiratory illness that originated in Wuhan, China. Since its discovery in the winter of 2019, COVID-19 spread all over the world, resulting in a global pandemic.
COVID-19 is much more dangerous than the common cold or the seasonal flu. If you’re concerned about your risk, make an appointment at South Texas Family Medicine and Urgent Care Center right away.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
- Shortness of breath
- A dry, persistent cough
- Chills
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Chest pain
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Pink eye
Some people with COVID-19 also experience a loss of smell and taste.
Who is at risk of catching COVID-19?
Anyone can catch COVID-19, but you’re more likely to get sick if you provide care for or live with someone who’s contracted the virus.
Most people experience mild to moderate symptoms, but if you’re immunocompromised or over the age of 65, you’re more likely to develop potentially serious side effects. That’s especially true if you have an underlying condition like:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
You’re also more likely to experience complications from COVID-19 if you’re pregnant.
How is COVID-19 diagnosed?
At South Texas Family Medicine and Urgent Care Center, the team diagnoses COVID-19 with rapid laboratory testing.
The team offers several types of rapid COVID tests, including rapid polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) testing, rapid antigen testing, and rapid antibody testing. Thanks to advances in laboratory analysis technology, it’s possible to provide results within 30 minutes.
How is COVID-19 treated?
Treatment of COVID-19 depends on various factors, including your medical history, age, and the severity of your symptoms.
Mild and moderate cases of COVID-19 typically respond to at-home treatments like rest, drinking fluids, and taking over-the-counter fever reducers and decongestants.
If your symptoms are severe and you require hospitalization, the team might recommend:
- Breathing support, like a ventilator
- Antiviral or retroviral drugs
- Steroids to reduce lung inflammation
- Blood plasma transfusions
Ultimately, the goal of treatment is to minimize serious complications and speed up your body’s natural healing process.
To receive diagnosis or treatment of COVID-19, make an appointment at South Texas Family Medicine and Urgent Care Center by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.
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